To learn the characteristic of waveguides and analyzing and designing of antennas Synopsis:
Electromagnetic wave
EM wave in homogenous and in homogenous media, in dielectrics, in conductors , free space and guided wave
Parallel plates, rectangular waveguides, circular waveguides, modes in waveguide:TE , TM, TEM, evanesces mode and dominant mode.
Analysis and design of antenna
Isotropic antenna, dipole antenna, Hertzian dipole, straight wire antenna, half-wave dipole, monopole antenna, traveling wave antenna, directional and power gains, input impedances, radiation resistances, efficiency, impedance matching, balance unit, array antenna, Uda-Yagi antenna, aperture antenna.
Free space , ground wave, sky wave, rain attenuation, scintillation, vegetation , ionospheric propagation, tropospheric propagation
Rectangular Waveguide, Dipole antenna, Yagi antenna , Hon antenna, Ground wave propagation and EMC.
- Carl T. A. and John K, "Engineering Electromagnetic Fields And Waves", 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1988.
- Jordan and Balmain, "Electromagnetic Waves And Radiating Systems", 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, 1980.
- Ramo, Whinnery, and Van Duzer, "Fields And Waves In Communications", 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1984.