USM-MICRON Young WISE (Women In Science & Engineering) - Video Pitching Competition
Dear all,
As promised, we are now launching the second stage of USM-MICRON Young WISE (Women In Science & Engineering) Program, which is the Video Pitching Competition.
Participants are invited to submit a video based on Arduino and Mobile Robot according to the given Design Challenges.
All participants will receive an e-certificate upon video submission.
Upon judging, the best videos will be awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze awards.
The best video from each Design Challenge will receive RM 50 and winning e-certificate. The best video from each category will qualify to enter the finale stage. The best groups from 4 design challenges will further compete in a virtual open day where they will pitch live.
Each team will be given 15 mins to pitch (10 mins of presentation and 5 mins of Q&A session).
THE OVERALL BEST VIDEO will receive RM100 with a winning e-certificate.
Please refer to our official Facebook page and refer to the pdf file of Participant Kit of Video Pitching Competition, USM-Micron Young WISE via this link:
https://USM Young WISE-Video Pitching Competition
for further instructions, condition, judging criteria and further details.
The deadline of video submission is 24th MARCH 2021.
Once you have completed the video, kindly submit it via this registration link
or scan the QR Code in the file by 24th MARCH 2021.
We look forward for your participation.