Control System Competition: From Theory to Applications
In conjunction with the successfully organization of Control System Workshop I (Introduction to Control System using Matlab), Control System Workshop II (Approachable Control System Design & Applications) and Control System Workshop III (Tailoring to Industrial Needs & Demands), the IEEE USM Student Branch in collaboration with Underwater Control Robotic Research Group (UCRG), SEEE would like to organize our final activity in these series that is "Control System Competition: From Theory to Applications".
1st Winner: Results of the Region 10 Student Branch Website Contest 2015
The IEEE Student Branch of Universiti Sains Malaysia has marked another glory this year after being announced as a champion of the Region 10 Website Contest. The contest was opened in April 2015 to all Region 10 (Asia Pacific) student branches and branch chapters. The result of the contest was announced in October 2015 by the IEEE Region 10 Student Activities Committee. As the first prize winner, the IEEE USM Student Branch is awarded a cash prize of USD 500 and a certificate. The website will be also representing Region 10 in the global website contest. The first runner up winner which carry a cash prize of USD 300 and a certificate goes to BMS College of Engineering Student Branch (India) and the second runner up winner with a cash prize of USD 200 and a certificate won by Jeppiaar Engineering College Student Branch (also from India).
The success is indeed come from the initiative and proactive action by the executive committee of the IEEE USM Student Branch in taking challenge and able to compete at the international level. The website contest team lead by William Yeap has proved that the USM students have the quality and able to diverse the knowledge and skill that they obtained at the university to move forward and bring back the benefits to the community and the society. The success is also come from full support by the USM Student Branch Counselor, Dr. Rosmiwati Mohd Mokhtar and the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, USM from where the USM student branch belonged. Thank you also to the Universiti Sains Malaysia for allowing the IEEE USM Student Branch website to be operated and functioned at the USM domain. This achievement has certainly opened for recognition, networking and linkages of the IEEE USM Student Branch to the IEEE community worldwide. The website can be browsed at
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