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School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Innovate Malaysia Design Competition 2022

2021 1028 Innovate Malaysia Design Competition 2022

Hi all,

Innovate Malaysia Design Competition is the largest design competition in Malaysia, open to all third year or final year degree engineering, computer science, IT, and science/mathematics students. The goal of the competition is to promote innovative culture in engineering design work, tackle real-world problems with practical engineering solutions, and churn out brightest talents for product development, further research, and commercialization.

By joining the competition, participants will also earn a DreamCatcher MicroDegree (micro-credential certification) after undergoing a blended learning training program on industry-recognized skills and domain knowledge of the competition track joined and completing the competition project. This will equip participants with industry-recognized experiences valuable for their future careers. The competition tracks offered encompasses various industry domains from IC designembedded systemselectronic design & testdata analytics & AIsmart applications to large-scale web applications. The competition has become a platform to groom and acquire engineering talents, promote the adoption of industry platforms in the universities, and align engineering solutions to real-world problems.

Among the benefits participating students will get:

  • obtain MicroDegree (micro-credential) certification on industry desired & recognized skills.
  • supplied state-of-the-art industry hardware and software tools
  • receive project mentorship from industry experts
  • gain exposure to real-world problem
  • priority access to high-value jobs offered by participating companies
  • win attractive prizes

Details of the competition can be found from the website below:

The registration deadline is on 15 November. Act now to participate!

Sambutan Program Siswa Lestari Sidang Akademik 2021/2022 Secara Atas Talian

Nibong Tebal, 21 Oktober - Sekalung tahniah kepada semua mahasiswa yang terpilih memulakan pengajian di Universiti Sains Malaysia bagi Sidang Akademik 2021/2022 dan yang telah memilih Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik (PPKEE) sebagai landasan untuk menggenggam Ijazah Pertama dalam Program Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Program Kejuruteraan Elektronik dan Program Kejuruteraan Mekatronik.

2021 1021 Dean2 Program Siswa Lestari 2021 2022
Profesor Ir. Dr. Mohd Fadzil Ain, Dekan PPKEE

Kesemua pelajar baharu PPKEE telah diraikan di dalam Program Siswa Lestari Sidang Akademik 2021/2022 secara atas talian menerusi aplikasi Cisco Webex. Profesor Ir. Dr. Mohd Fadzil Ain selaku Dekan PPKEE telah menyampaikan kata-kata aluan dan turut memperkenalkan semua staf kepada pelajar baharu. Selain itu, video aktiviti dan pencapaian pusat pengajian juga dipertontonkan sebagai pengenalan. Semoga ia juga dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi meningkatkan keyakinan pelajar untuk mengharungi tempoh pengajian dengan cemerlang.

Read more …Sambutan Program Siswa Lestari Sidang Akademik 2021/2022 Secara Atas Talian