Electrical Discharge and Insulation Laboratory (EDIL)
Universiti Sains Malaysia
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- MS Hamzah, IN Hidayah, M Mariatti and M Kamarol, "Dielectric and thermal properties of flame retardant fillers in polypropylene/ethylene propylene diene monomer composites", Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,pp.1-11, Sept. 2014 (DOI:10.1177/0731684414553381).
- M.S. Hamzah, M. Jaafar and M.K. Mohd Jamil, "Electrical Insulation Performance of Flame Retardant Fillers Filled with Polypropylene/Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer Composites", Polymers Advanced Technologies, pg.1-7, 2014 (DOI: 10.1002/pat.3288).
- Muhammad Safwan Hamzah, Mariatti Jaafar and Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "Electrical Insulation Characteristics of Alumina, Titania and Organoclay Nanoparticles Filled PP/EPDM Nanocomposites",Journal of Applied Polymer Science, pg.1-7, 2014 (DOI:10.1002/App.41184).
- A.A. Abd. Jamil, M.H. Ahmad, M. Kamarol, M. Mariatti and M.A.M. Piah, "Short-term Breakdown in Silicone Rubber Based Nanocomposites Caused by Electrical Treeing", Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 845, pp.482-486, 2014 (DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.845.482).
- Noor Syazwani Mansor, MS Hamzah, M Kamarol and M Mariatti, "A Comparative Study of Dielectric Strength Between SiR/EPDM and PP/EPDM Blends with Various Type of Nanofillers", Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 832, pp.483-487, 2014 (DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.832.483).
- Farhana Mohamad Yusop, Syafrudin Masri, Dahaman Ishak and Mohamad Kamarol, "Investigation of Electromagnetic Force in 3P5W Busbar System under Peak Short-Circuit Current", International Journal of Electrical, Electronic Science and Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, 2014.
- Sze Sing Lee, Shahid Iqbal and Mohamad Kamarol, "Double-series Resonant Inverter-fed Voltage Multiplier Based High-Voltage DC-DC Converter", Electrical Power Components and System, Vol.41, No.15, pg.1518-1535, 2013 (DOI:10.1080/15325008.2013.830660).
- A.A.A. Jamil, M.H. Ahmad, Y.Z. Arief, M. Kamarol, M. Mariatti, N. Bashir, and M.A.M. Piah, "Electrical Tree Growth in Silicone Rubber/Organo-Montmorillonite Nanocomposite under AC Ramp Voltage", Jurnal Teknologi, Vol.64, No.4, pg.23-26, 2013 .
- Yusnida M, Kiasatina Azmi, Mohd Azmier Ahmad, Zulkifli Ahmad and Mohamad Kamarol, "Breakdown Strength Characteristic of RBDPO and Mineral Oil Mixture as an Alternative Insulating Liquid for Transformer", Jurnal Teknologi, Vol.64, No.4, pp.69-72, 2013 .
- Farhana Mohamad Yusop, Mohamad Kamarol, Dahaman Ishak and Syafrudin Masri, "Electromagnetic Force in Vertical and Horizontal Arrangement of Busbar System Under Short-Circuit Current", International Review on Modelling and Simulation (IREMOS), Vol.5, N.4,Part B, pp.1645-1651, August 2012 (ISSN:1974-9821).
- S.S. Lee, S. Iqbal and M. Kamarol, "Fast-Response Double Series Resonant High-Voltage DC-DC Converter", Journal of Instrumentation (Jinst), Vol.7, P10013, pp.1-12, Oct.12, 2012.(doi:10.1088/1748-0221/7/10/P10013)
- Syafrudin Masri, Mokhzaini Azizan and Mohamad Kamarol, "Flux Distribution at Three Phase Power Transformer Core Under Nonlinear Load Operation", International Review on Modelling and Simulation (IREMOS), Vol.5, N.2, Part B, pp.872-878, April 2012 (ISSN:1974-9821).
- Lee Sze Sing, Shahid Iqbal and Mohamad Kamarol, "Fast-Response Soft-Switching High-Voltage DC-DC Converter with Wide Range of Controllability", International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), Vol.7, N.2, pp.3725-3732, March-April 2012 (ISSN: 1827-6660).
- Kiasatina Azmi, Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil and Mohd Azmier Ahmad, "Characteristics of Breakdown Voltage of RBDP Olein and Envirotemp FR3 Mixtures Under AC Voltage", International Review on Modelling and Simulation (IREMOS), Vol.5, N. 2, Part B, pp.1107-1114, April 2012 (ISSN:1974-9821).
- Sze Sing Lee, Shahid Iqbal and Mohamad Kamarol, "Control of ZCS-SR Inverter-Fed Voltage Multiplier Based High Voltage DC-DC Converter by Digitally Tuning Tank Capacitance and Slightly Varying Pulse Frequency", IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, Vol.27, No.3, pp.1076-1083, March 2012.(Doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2011.2175250)
- Khaleel J. Hammadi, Dahaman Ishak and Mohamad Kamarol, "On-Line Monitoring and Diagnosis Broken Rotor Bars in Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor by Using Labview", Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol.5, No.9, pp.1525-1528, Dec. 2011.(ISSN:1991-8178)
- Lee Sze Sing, Shahid Iqbal and Mohamad Kamarol, "Control of ZCS-SR Inverter-Fed High-Voltage DC-DC Converter by Digitally Tuning Tank Capacitance and Slightly Varying Pulse Frequency in Dual-Mode Operation", International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), Vol.6, No.5, pp.2168-2177, Oct. 2011.
- Muhammad Mokhzaini, Syafrudin Masri and Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "Design of Power Transformer for Sinusoidal and Non sinusoidal Current Conditions ", International Journal of of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.34, No.1,pp.14-21, Dec. 2011. (ISSN: 1992-8645)
- Lee Sze Sing, Shahid Iqbal and Mohamad Kamarol, "Combined resonant tank capacitance and pulse frequency modulation control for ZCS-SR Inverter-Fed Voltage High Voltage DC power supply", Journal of Instrumentation, Vol.6, P09008, pp.1-13, 2011.(doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/09/P09008)
- Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, Shinya Ohtsuka, Masayuki Hikita, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki, "Gas By-products of CF3I under AC Partial Discharge", Journal of Electrostatics, Elsevier,Vol.69, No.6, pp.611-617, 2011. (doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2011.08.007)
- Mokhzaini Azizan, Syafrudin Masri and Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "Determining Power Transformer Core Dimension under Nonlinear Load Operation", International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE), Vol.3, No.5, pp.739-742, Oct. 2011 (ISSN: 1793-8198)
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita,"Discharge properties in Low Vacuum Region of Vacuum Interrupter Filled with SF6 Gas", IEEJ Transactions on the Fundamentals and Materials, Vol. 127, No.11, pp.709-713, Nov. 2007.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita,"Determination of Gas Pressure in Vacuum Interrupter Based on Partial Discharge", IEEE Transactions on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp.593-599, June 2007.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita," Discharge Properties and Emitted Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum in Low Vacuum Region of Vacuum Interrupter", IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, Vol. 125, No.8, pp.797-802, Aug. 2005.
- Tow Leong Tiang, Dahaman Ishak, Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "Complete Subdomain Model for Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Machines", IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON), pg.140-145, 2014 (DOI:10.1109/CENCON.2014.6967491).
- T. Nakaoka, Y. Tai, M. Kamarol, M. Kozako, M. Hikita, K. Sato, N. Tetsu, H. Urai and K. Tsuchiya, "Development of Partial Discharge Detection and Diagnostic Methods of Vacuum Circuit Breaker", XXVI Int. Symp. on Discharge and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, pg. 485-488, 2014.
- M. Kamarol, Y. Tai, T. Nakaoka, M. Kozako, K.Sato, N. Tetsu, H. Urai, K. Tsuchiya and M. Hikita, "Construction of Measurement System of PD Phenomena in Medium Vacuum Region of Vacuum Interrupter", XXVI Int. Symp. on Discharge and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, pg. 489-492, 2014.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Takashi Nakaoka, Kiichi Nishigouchi, Masahiro Kozako, Masayuki Hikita, Kazuhiro Sato, Noriyuki Tetsu, Hajime Urai and Kenji Tsuchiya, "Construction of Partial Discharge Diagnostic Study in Paschen Left Region in Vacuum Interrupter", IEEJ National Conference, pg. 473, 2014.
- Takashi Nakaoka, Kiichi Nishigouchi, Mohamad Kamarol, Masahiro Kozako, Masayuki Hikita, Kazuhiro Sato, Noriyuki Tetsu, Hajime Urai and Kenji Tsuchiya, "Measurement of Ozone Concentration caused by Partial Discharge in Air", IEEJ National Conference, pg. 473, 2014.
- Inu Suprianto, Umar Khayam, Suwarno, Kiichi Nishigouchi, Mohamad Kamarol, Masahiro Kozako and Masayuki Hikita, "UHF Sensor Optimization used for Detecting Partial Discharge Emitted Electromagnetic Wave in Gas Insulated Switchgear", 7th International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, pg.1-4, 2014.
- Yusnida M.Y, M. Kamarol, Mohd Azmier Ahmad and Zulkifli Ahmad, "Breakdown Strength Characteristic of RBDPO and Mineral Oil Mixture as an Alternative Insulating Liquid for Transformer", Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012),pp.1-4,9-10th Dec., 2012.
- Yusnida M.Y, M. Kamarol and Mohd Azmier Ahmad, "Breakdown Voltage Characteristic of MO and RBDPO Mixture for Power Transformer Insulation", 2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science & Engineering Research (CHUSER 12),pp.298-301,3-4 Dec., 2012.
- A.A.A. Jamil, M. Kamarol, M. Mariatti, N. Bashir, Y.Z. Arief, M.H. Ahmad, M.A.M. Piah and M.U. Wahit, "Electrical Performance of Silicone Rubber/Organo-Montmorillonite Nanocomposite Under High Voltage Application", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon),pp.712-715,2-5 Dec., 2012.
- Noor Syazwani Mansor, Mohamad Kamarol, Yusnida M.Y and Kiasatina Azmi, "Breakdown Voltage Characteristic of Biodegradable Oil Under Various Gap of Quasi-Uniform Electrode Configuration", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon),pp.720-723,2-5 Dec., 2012.
- Masri Muhammood, Mohamad Kamarol, Dahaman Ishak and Syafrudin Masri,"Temperature Rise Prediction in 3-Phase Busbar System at 20 C Ambient Temperature", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon),pp.724-728,2-5 Dec., 2012.
- Sze Sing Lee, Shahid Iqbal and Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "A New ZCS Series Resonant High-Voltage DC Power Supply", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon),pp.45-49,2-5 Dec., 2012.
- I.N. Hidayah, M. Mariatti, H. Ismail and M. Kamarol,"Tensile and Dielectric Properties of LLDPE/SR Prepared at Various Blend Ratios", 21st Scientific Conference of The Microscopy Society of Malaysia (EMSM 2012), 22nd-24th Nov., 2012.
- I.N. Hidayah, M. Mariatti, H. Ismail and M. Kamarol,"Evaluation of PP/EPDM/ZnO Nanocomposites as Thermoplastic Elastomeric Insulators", 8th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-8),O-MFC-017, pp.1-7, 6-8 Nov., 2012.
- M.S. Hamzah, M. Mariatti and M. Kamarol,"Effect of Flame Retardant Fillers on Insulation Properties of Polypropylene/Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer Composites", 8th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-8),O-FIR-012, pp.1-7, 6-8 Nov., 2012.
- A.A.A. Jamil, M. Kamarol, M. Mariatti, N. Bashir, M.H. Ahmad, Y.Z. Arief, N.A. Muhamad, "Organo-Montmorillonite as an Electrical Treeing Retardant for Polymeric Insulating Materials", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, 23-27 September, 2012.
- Mokhzaini Azizan, Syafrudin Masri, Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "Power Transformer Winding Wire Size Determination under Nonlinear Load Condition", Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Power Engineering and Renewable Energy (ICPERE), I2, July 2012.
- Mokhzaini Azizan, Syafrudin Masri, Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "Correlation between FHL and THDi at Operation of Full Bridge Rectifiers", Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Power Engineering and Renewable Energy (ICPERE), I1, July 2012.
- Kiasatina Azmi, Mohamad Kamarol, Azmier Ahmad, "Breakdown Voltage Characteristics of RBD Palm Olein and Environtemp FR3 Mixture Under Quasi-Uniform Electric Field", 2011 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2011), pp.421-424, 5th Dec. 2011.
- Farhana Mohamad Yusop, Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, Dahaman Ishak, Muhamad Husaini and Syafrudin Masri, " Investigation of Electromagnetic Force During Short-Circuit Test in Three Phase Busbar System", 2011 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2011), pp.340-344, 6th Dec. 2011.
- Sze Sing Lee, Shahid Iqbal and Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "Split Bobbin High-Voltage Transformer", Proceeding of The Electrical and Electronic Postgraduate Colloquium (EEPC), Dec. 2011.
- Sze Sing Lee, Shahid Iqbal and Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "High Voltage DC Power Supply for X-ray Generator", Proceeding of The Electrical and Electronic Postgraduate Colloquium (EEPC), Dec. 2011.
- Muhammad Mokhzaini bin Azizan, Syafrudin Masri, Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "Harmonics Measurements and Observations at Low Voltage Power Distribution System: Universiti Sains Malaysia Engineering Campus", Proceeding of The Electrical and Electronic Postgraduate Colloquium (EEPC), Dec. 2011.
- Shahid Iqbal, Lee Sze Sing and Mohamad Kamarol , "Multi-Output ZCS-SR Inverter Fed High Voltage DC-DC Converter", IEEE Conference on Sustainable Utilization and Development in Engineering and Technology, pp.176-181, 20th Oct. 2011. (10.1109/STUDENT.2011.6089348)
- Shahid Iqbal, Lee Sze Sing and Mohamad Kamarol, "Multi-output ZCS-SR Inverter Fed Voltage Multiplier Based High Voltage DC-DC Converter", IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 25 - 28 September, 2011, Langkawi, Malaysia.
- Sze Sing Lee, Shahid Iqbal and Mohamad Kamarol , "Combined Resonant Tank Capacitance and Pulse Frequency Modulation Control for ZCS-SR Inverter-Fed Voltage Multiplier Based HVDC Power Supply", International Engineering for Sustainability Conference (iNESCO), pp.1-12, 13th Sept. 2011.
- Kiasatina, Mohamad Kamarol, M. Zulhilmey and Y.A. Arief, "Breakdown Characteristics of RBDPO and Soybean Oil Mixture for Transformer Application", Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Control and Computer Engineering, pp.219-222, 21-22 June 2011.
- Farhana Mohamad Yusop, Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, Dahaman Ishak and Syafrudin Masri, "Study on the Electromagnetic Force Affected by Short-Circuit Current in Vertical and Horizontal Arrangement of Busbar System", Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Control and Computer Engineering, pp.196-200, 21-22 June 2011.
- Lee Sze Sing, Shahid Iqbal and Mohamad Kamarol , "Digitally Tuned Resonant Capacitance Control with Narrow Range Frequency Modulation for ZCS High Voltage X-ray Power Supply", Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Control and Computer Engineering, pp.113-118, 21-22 June 2011.
- Syafrudin Masri, Muhammad Mokhzaini Azizan and Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil, "Measuring Temperature Rise at Transformer Core under Nonlinear Loading", Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Control and Computer Engineering, pp.333-337, 21-22 June 2011.
- Kiasatina and Mohamad Kamarol, "Study on the Research Trend of Palm Oil Application in High Voltage Transformer", USM School of Electrical and Electronic 2nd Postgraduate Colloquium, Nov. 2009.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "Diagnostic Technique of Insulation Performance in Vacuum Interrupter Based on Partial Discharge", Proceeding of International Symposium on EcoTopia Science, ISBN: 978-4-903263-01-4, pp.475-481, Nagoya, Nov. 2007.
- Yuta Nakayama, Mohamad Kamarol, S Nawata, Masayuki Hikita and Shinya Ohtsuka, "Application of Time Spectroscopic System to Investigate of PD Phenomena in SF6 Gas", Proceeding of Annual Meeting Record IEE Japan, Vol.1, pp.39, March 2007. (in Japanese)
- Shinya Ohtsuka, Yuta Nakayama, S Nawata, Mohamad Kamarol and Masayuki Hikita, "Construction of Time and Space-Resolved Spectroscopy System of PD Phenomena and Its Application to Observation of PDs in SF6 Gas", Proceeding of Annual Meeting Record IEE Japan, Vol.1, pp.38, March 2007. (in Japanese)
- Mohamad Kamarol, Yuta Nakayama, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "AC Sparkover Voltage and PD Inception Voltage Properties in CF3I Gas Under Non-uniform Electric Field Configuration", Proceeding of Annual Meeting Record IEE Japan, Vol.6, pp.441, March 2007.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Yuta Nakayama, Tomoki Hara, Shinya Ohtsuka and Masayuki Hikita, "Gas Decomposition Analysis of CF3I under AC Partial Discharge of Non-uniform Electric Field Configuration", Proceeding of Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, pp.161-164, Tokyo, Nov. 2007.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "Discharge properties in Low Vacuum Region of Vacuum Interrupter Filled with SF6 Gas", Proceeding of 13th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED), P-1-20, Hokkaido, Oct. 2006.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "Diagnosis of Vacuum Degree in Vacuum Interrupter Based on Partial Discharge", Proceeding of XXIInd International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), Vol.1, pp.165-168, Matsue, Sept. 2006.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "Investigation of Discharge Characteristic for Diagnosis of Degree of Vacuum in Glass Type Vacuum Interrupter", Proceeding of the 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), pp.171, Beijing, Aug. 2005.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "Discharge Phenomena in Low Vacuum Region of Glass Tube Vacuum Interrupter under AC Applied Voltage", Proceeding of International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM), Vol.1, pp. 36-39, Jun. 2005.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "Investigation of Discharge Properties in Low Vacuum Region by Optical Observation for Glass Type Vacuum under Closed Contact Condition", Proceeding of National Convention of IEEJ, Vol. 6, pp. 424-425, Mar. 2005.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "Optical Properties of Discharge in Vacuum Interrupter Filled with Air at Low Vacuum Region", Proceeding of Institute of Engineers on Electrical Discharge in Japan (IEEDJ) Annual Meeting, A-1-3, 2005.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "Discharge Properties and Emitted Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum in Low Vacuum Region of Vacuum Interrupter", Proceeding of International Workshop on High Voltage Engineering (IWHV), Vol. 1, pp.117-122, Oct. 2004.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "Discharge Properties in Low Vacuum Region of Vacuum Interrupter at Open Contact Condition", Proceeding of Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu, pp.95, 2004.
- Mohamad Kamarol, Shinya Ohtsuka, Mengu Cho, Hitoshi Saitou, Masayuki Sakaki and Masayuki Hikita, "Partial Discharge Properties in Low Vacuum Region of Vacuum Interrupter", Proceeding of National Convention of IEEJ, Vol. 6, pp. 347, 2004.
- Chatterton Young Investigator Award from ISDEIV 2006
Proceeding of XXIInd International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), Vol.1, pp.165-168, Matsue, Sept. 2006.