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School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Announcement to International Students Travelling Back to Malaysia


Hebahan Permohonan Kemasukan Pelajar Antarabangsa

Attention to International Students Who are Currently Abroad and Planning to Return to Malaysia. Pursuant to the recent announcement by the Malaysia Government on returning to Malaysia during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO), USM active international students need to apply by following these steps:

1. Complete the USM form using your USM student email account at

2. Complete the EMGS form at

Please read the forms thoroughly before submitting your application. Only USM student visa/pass holders are allowed to apply. Dependents may NOT travel along during this time.

Check the latest Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), guidelines and information at the EMGS website link here:

Should you require further information, please contact any member of the USM International Students Society (USMi) Exco. We wish you a safe travel and journey. Take care and be safe.

Kind regards, IMCC USM

SOP for USM International Students

USM International Students who are planning to return to USM is now required to apply to EMGS for approval to enter Malaysia from October onwards. Please read in detail especially on requirements for COVID19 testing (ONLY PCR test is accepted) as well as pre-departure and arrival arrangements.

Please fill in the Travel Authorisation Form for student entry at this link:

We will also be sharing with you a comprehensive SOP and FAQ document from MOHE for your reference.

USM wishes you safe travels and be safe. Thank you

USM Cipta Terowong Penyah-virus Automatik

Nibong Tebal, 5 April 2020 - Sekumpulan penyelidik dari Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik (PPKEE) Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) di Transkrian, di sini, berjaya menghasilkan Terowong Penyah-virus Automatik berkos rendah, untuk kegunaan komuniti universiti itu dalam membendung penularan COVID-19.

Dekan PPKEE merangkap Ketua Projek, Profesor Ir. Dr. Mohd Fadzil Ain berkata, pasukannya terpanggil untuk menghasilkan alat berkenaan, selepas menerima permintaan daripada barisan hadapan kesihatan USM di Pusat Sejahtera.

Terowong Penyah virus 01

"Sebenarnya terowong itu dihasilkan bagi membantu memberikan perlindungan kepada warga universiti, khususnya barisan hadapan seperti di Pusat Kesejahteraan dan Jabatan keselamatan, yang terdedah kepada risiko jangkitan virus COVID-19.

"Untuk sistem ini kita akan ada pengesan suhu tanpa sentuh, di mana petugas kesihatan berada pada jarak jauh dan pesakit akan ambil data suhu secara kendiri tanpa perlu petugas kesihatan datang dekat.

Read more …USM Cipta Terowong Penyah-virus Automatik

USM Terus Bantu Petugas Barisan Hadapan

Pulau Pinang, 3 April 2020 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) menyumbang 16 unit ‘aerosol box’ kepada beberapa hospital di Pulau Pinang untuk kegunaan petugas barisan hadapan.

Naib Canselornya Prof Dr Faisal Rafiq Mahamad Adikan berkata, ‘aerosol box’ berfungsi sebagai alat sokongan intubasi untuk melindungi doktor yang merawat pesakit COVID-19 di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) hospital.

“Penghasilan aerosol box ini adalah kolaborasi di antara pensyarah dan arkitek dari Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik serta Pusat Pengajian Sains Komputer.

Aerosol Box 01
WAKIL USM, Dr. Ahmad Sufri Azlan Mohamed menyerahkan aerosol box kepada Pakar Kecemasan dan Trauma, Hospital Kepala Batas (HKB), Dr. Fazilah Md Zain untuk digunakan merawat pesakit Covid-19.

Read more …USM Terus Bantu Petugas Barisan Hadapan