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School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Ir. Dr. Teoh Soo Siang

Infografik Teoh Soo Siang 2024v2

Last Updated on 25.06.2024

Personal Info

Ph.D (University Of Western Australia)


B.Eng (UPM)

Tel:  +604-599 6081
Fax: +604-599 6909
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Researcher Identifiers
Researcher ID : AAF-2629-2019
ORCID : 0000-0002-3475-3735
Scopus ID : 42062491500
GoogleScholar ID : X29WLRsAAAAJ
USM Expertise Link :

Last Updated on 20.06.2023


Computer vision, image analysis and machine learning

Research Interest

Computer vision and machine learning for
 - objects detection and classification
 - driver assistance systems (vehicles and pedestrians detection)
Application of infrared thermography for
 - human detection and recognition
 - electrical inspection and diagnostics
I am looking for potential postgraduate students to work on any of these areas. If you are interested, please send me an email. (Graduate Research Assistant position available)


“Formulation of novel cascaded algorithm for pedestrians detection based-on visible and
infrared signals for driver assistance systems”, FRGS Grant, 1 July 2014 - 30 June 2016, Principal Investigator