

EEE132 Electronic Devices 2009/10

1. Intoduction
2. Class Schedule
3. Class 1 & 2
4. Class 3 &4
5. Class 5
6. Class 6&7
7. Class 8&9
8. Class 10&11
9. Solution To Test
10. Matrix

EEE241 Analog I 2009/10

1. EEE241_Syllabus_2009/10
2. L1_L2
3. L3
4. L4
5. L5_L6
6. L7
7. L8_L9
8. L10_L11
9. L12
10. L13_L14
11. L15
12. L16

Assignment 1

Analog Electronics 1 Tutorial

Test 1 Model Answer

EEE241 Analog 1 2010 / 2011

1. L1 - Introduction
2. L1-2 - Port Network
3. L 2 & 3 -CE-CS-CB
4. L2 & L3 & L4 CE-CS - CB
5. L5-L6-L7-L8-L9
6. L10-L11
7. L12
8. L13-L14
9. L15-L16

Assigment 1_Questions

Assisgment 1 Solution final
Test 1 solution

EEE132 Electronic Devices 2008/09

1. Introduction
2. Class Schedule ( UPDATED 090109)
3. Class 1 & 2
4. Class 3
5. Class 4 & 5
6. Class 6 & 7
7. Class 8
8. Class 9
9. Class 10
10. Class 11
11. Class 12
12. Class 13 & 14
13. Class 15 & 16
14. Class 17
15. Class 18 & 19
16. Class 20
17. Class 21 & 22
18. Class 23
19. Class 24

20. Class 25

Solution To Test 1
Solution To Test 2

Correction To Q2 For Solutions To Test 1
Leaves and Holidays Updated
Corrections To Slide 14, CLASS 23

Coursework marks

EEE132 Electronic devices 2010/11

1. Introduction
2. Class Schedule
3. Matrix
4. Class 1 & 2

5. Class 3 & 4



1. Tutorial 1
2. Tutorial 2
3. Tutorial 3
4. Tutorial 4
5. Tutorial 5
6. Tutorial 6
7. Tutorial 7
EEE332 Communication 2009/10

Test 1 Model Answer





